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IN THIS ISSUE Pole Inspections to Continue Throughout Fall back to top >>
  1. Pole Inspections
  2. Rate Changes 2022
  3. Safe EV Charging
  4. Apple Bread Recipe

  5. Norris Public Power District
    606 Irving Street
    Beatrice, NE 68310

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Pole inspections are currently being completed in central and southern Saline County. The pole inspection area is highlighted on the map below.

SBS Inspections, Inc., a contracted service provider for Norris, has begun inspecting, testing and treating utility poles for strength and potential rot. Often, possible defects are found internally and cannot be identified from the outside. Since pole defects can be located below the soil level, the testing process requires digging around Norris' poles. In some instances SBS Inspections, Inc. employees will be working in customers' yards and may be driving all-terrain vehicles from pole-to-pole.

"Proactive identification of poles in need of replacement will help ensure the safety of Norris personnel and the general public. In addition, the identification and replacement of defective structures will help reduce the number of power outages," said Trevor Wehrer, Norris Manager of Operations and Safety.

If you have any concerns or questions, contact Norris at 1-800-858-4707.

Customer Rate Changes - 2022 back to top >>

Norris management routinely reviews and evaluates customer rate schedules to ensure that customers are receiving fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory rates and service. Norris utilizes a rate consultant to study costs of service and establish billing rates to appropriately collect revenues based upon the costs to serve that particular rate class.

Norris customers should expect and demand progress from their power supplier as we balance the need to provide reliable, resilient, low cost and sustainable electricity. The customer rate changes being proposed to the Norris Board of Directors are another example of the continuous improvement being accomplished at Norris.

A few of the recommended changes for 2022 are presented in this article. The Norris Board of Directors will be requested to approve all customer rate changes at the District's November board meeting.

Demand Rate Charge for Residential and General Service Rate Classes

The Norris electric distribution system is designed to meet the maximum power or demand requirements for all customers. Electric distribution system costs historically have been recovered from residential and general service customers through monthly customer and energy charges. With enhancements in metering, Norris can measure individual customer energy demands and determine their responsibility to the total electric distribution system costs. Beginning in 2022, Norris will implement a demand or kilowatt (kW) charge to residential and general service customers. The new demand charge will be offset with lower energy rates resulting in a net overall zero impact on residential and general service customers in 2022.

All-Electric Rates Being Eliminated

Norris has been transitioning towards the elimination of all-electric rates for many years. The electric industry has evolved away from offering all-electric rates since they were first introduced to customers over 50 years ago. In 2022, the residential and general service all-electric rates will be eliminated with customers being billed on the applicable residential and general service rate schedules.

Seward County Public Power District Merger Rates Transition

With the merger between Norris and Seward County Public Power District (Seward) in 2017, a five-year plan was developed to transition former Seward customer rate classes into Norris rate schedules. The transition plan will be complete in 2022 when all former Seward rate schedules are billed on the corresponding Norris rate schedules.

  Safely Charge Your Electric Vehicle      back to top >>  

  Cinnamon Apple Pie Bread Recipe      back to top >>  

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